Sunday, April 26, 2015

Vanuatu is so pretty


I've been in a bit of a funk lately, since work hasn't been going the way I'd hoped. It's not like it's bad, but we're still having issues with getting the resources that we need to accomplish our goals. It's almost May, and my counterpart hasn't received his work plan (or funding) for the year. It's almost May

I've gotten a lot better about accepting that things won't always go the way that I want them to go. It's not like it's not frustrating anymore, but it's easier to accept delays and things like that. I still have to remind myself sometimes that Vanuatu is so beautiful. It's like there's a price to pay. You put up with certain things because the pay off is this. (Pictures are from a work trip to Vao.)

On Saturday, I went up to meet a friend at the swimming beach by the airport. I was the first one to get there, and there was absolutely no one there on this whole stretch of beach. It was just me, and the sun glimmering on the water. It was absolutely idyllic. You think of tropical paradise, and that's what it was for that moment. Just spectacular. I go through my days sometimes on auto pilot (doesn't everyone?) so to have those moments that just shake me, BOOM, is so wonderful. I don't want to forget what's beautiful and special, even when I'm crabby about some little something that doesn't work right the way I want it to.

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