Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Banana Pie

Banana pie is delicious and it's a shame that people outside of Vanuatu don't eat it.

Banana pie

Ripe bananas
Coconut milk

This recipe is pretty chill. It doesn't require measurements because you really can't mess it up that much. (Plus, the mamas don't cook with measurements.)

Make a dough of flour, oil, sugar, milk, and water. You want the dough to be sticky and not too liquid. Think of it like cookie dough rather than cake batter.

Spread the dough across the bottom of a cake tin. Make sure it's equal height.

Now chop the bananas up into very thin slices. Arrange the sliced banana over the dough. Follow this with a good pour of coconut milk.

Stick in oven. Bake. Take out of oven. Eat.

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