Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ain't that purdy? Fiji Pt. 1

That's sunset at Mana Island, Fiji, in early January 2014. Isn't that beautiful? For me, who's used to stone beaches where you stub your toe or trip every time you want to go swimming, Mana was fantastic. Super beautiful. Fiji is not at all like Vanuatu--it's a much richer, much more developed country with many more tourists and a lot more industry. (You can eat at McDonald's in Fiji! What?!) But it's still tropical island paradise.

I have this ongoing fantasy about what if I had been put at another PC post. There's PC in Fiji (all health vols) so it's easy to think what if ... But what if I hadn't been put in the South Pacific? Vanuatu is really special in its isolation. At many PC posts, it would be reasonable to expect that I'd have internet once a week, drink beer, eat ice cream, and so on. (Remember, all these posts I put up I write months in advance and set on auto-update. Tongariki i no kat intanet.) But wow, what if I'd been in Fiji ...? Just beautiful.

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